Advertise With Us

Ad Sizes and Samples
Advertise With Us
Ad Sizes and Samples

Our advertising is strategically placed on garbage lid so it must be seen in order to throw out the garbage / recycling. Rates are as low as $1.25 per month per household (thats only 12.5¢ per view).

Target homeowners in a particular city, a specific neighborhood, community, and/ or zip codes with our adverting. Then every 3 months ads get rotated to another part of the city to reach more households. You can get the whole advertising area or can share with others based on the size that you select. If you share ad space with others there will not be direct competition with the same type of business on the shared sign.

Advertising frame is Patent Pending. We are the only company permitted to offer this service.

For Media Kit, click below

1 Ad: 18" x 18" Adverting Area
Click on images to enlarge
2 Ads: 18" x 9" Adverting Area each
Click on images to enlarge
3 Ads: 18" X 9" one sign, 9" x 9" two signs
Click on images to enlarge
4 Ads: 9" x 9" Adverting Area each
Click on images to enlarge